A serving cup of Cappuccino Captain Coffee with spoon

Cappuccino Captain Recipe

Please see the recipe for a delightful cappuccino captain coffee recipe at the bottom of the page.

That recipe is one of seven with cappuccino from the Delicious Coffee Recipes E-book of coffee and pastry recipes that also provides step-by-step instructions on easily preparing many other coffee-related offerings including seasonal items such as gingerbread, gingerbread latte and pumpkin scones, all certain to satisfy the pickiest of thirsts. The letter-sized pages download into PDF format for easy reading, storage, and more for use on several devices. While the table of contents is rather limited, the PDF document scrolls smoothly and can be searched easily to find the desired recipe.

The recipe for Cappuccino Captain Coffee on a tablet
But wait! There's more to know about the Delicious Coffee Recipe E-Book!

The Delicious Coffee Recipe E-Book offers 124 significantly different, easily prepared coffee and pastry recipes over 49 single-spaced, printable pages that include...

Cappuccino Captain (Page 25)

one of seven cappuccino coffee recipes

Mocha Espresso Italiano (Page 43)

one of 25 espresso coffee recipes

Caramel Macchiato (Page 4)

one of three macchiato recipes

Standard Iced Coffee (Page 38)

one of five iced coffee recipes

Irish Coffee (Page 33)

one of nine Irish Coffee Recipes

Double Mocha Frappe

one of four frappe recipes

What's not included in The Delicious Coffee Recipe E-Book?

Spammy or broken links
Sales pitches of any kind

The Delicious Coffee E-Book contains exactly what you expected to buy, the cover page, the table of contents, and curated recipes ONLY; no front matter, images, closing credits, or any of that so that recipes can be found fast.

About the Author

The Delicious Coffee Recipe E-Book was compiled over the years by me, Solomon Greene, an entrepreneur and former consumer packaged goods industry employee who has gathered many cooking guides while representing a wide variety of well-known national brands over the years. Please look up and read about me on the internet.

Cappuccino Captain Coffee Recipe


½ cup Instant coffee
¾ cup Sugar
1 cup nonfat dry milk
½ teaspoon Dried orange peel


Crush in mortar and pestle.
Use 2 Tablespoons for each cup of hot water

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